
Sunday, February 21, 2016

List of Priests Who Have Left The IVE

We’ve told you before how so many of the IVE priests leave (see here.)   Now we want to share more detail.  Below is a list of 167 IVE priests that have left the Institute.  Some have become diocesan priests.  Some have gotten married (with & without dispensation.)  Some have left the Church.  This list not comprehensive, but it is probably close.

We share this not to criticize these men - we could never fault anyone for leaving the IVE.  We share this to expose the truth about the exodus from the Institute, letting those inside know how many of their compatriots have already left - warning those on the outside.

167 is an astounding number for an order founded just 30 years ago.  It is difficult to say what percentage of IVE priests this represents, but it’s probably over 40%, possibly over 50%.   When we started this blog three years ago the IVE claimed 350 priests and 96 parishes (see here.)  The IVE no longer share the total number of priests on their websites, but they do list parishes on their websites and we counted 77 parishes or communities listed (interesting how that number has gone down - especially for such a "young" and "growing" order.)

Assuming two priests at each of the 77 parishes, that gives 154 priests (which is generous - they have 26 parishes in this province and on wikipedia claim only 40 priests.)   Priests that help with formation are usually on staff at a parish as well, so most have been taken into account, but lets assume ten extra, which is generous.  Then assume ten more for monasteries, which is also generous.  That gives 174 current priests, meaning the 167 represents 49% of the total. 

Why do so many leave? Many reasons, most which are covered on this blog.  They leave because there is no discernment practiced by the IVE (see here.) Nor are there any admissions processes to filter out poor candidates (see here.) Then the formation is horrible (see here, here, and here) and they are treated horribly (see here.)  If any think about leaving during formation they will be pressured to stay and told it is the devil tempting them.  After they are ordained and let out of the formation bubble most of them figure out they’ve been duped and leave.  If they had a real vocation, they’ll go to a diocese.  If not, they will head home.

It sounds dramatic - especially considering all the smiling faces of seminarians on their websites - but it’s true.  Heck, even Superior Generals have left (see here.) 

Here is the list.  Apologies for the poor formatting. 

AI = abandonó Instituto (Left the IVE)
AI&M = abandonó Instituto y Ministerio (Left the IVE & Priesthood)
EXC = exclaustrado (Official request to leave)
ExEXC = pasó por EXC y dejó el Instituto (Official request processed)
Nombreorden.OrigenSituaciónLugar actualTituloOtros
1Ábrego, Martin1992ARGAI&MUSAL
2Acosta, Osvaldo2002PARPARLRector de Seminario Mayor
3Acuña, Julio2004ARGAI&MARGExpulsado
4Agüero, Miguel Angel2001ARGAI&MExEXC
5Aguirre, Edgar1996PERAI&M
6Alderete, Rubén1996ARG AI&MTacna, PER
7Alfaro, Carlos1996ARG AIJujuy, ARG
8Alonso, Carlos1990ARG AI&MSan Luis, ARGL
9Amaya, Carlos2003ARG AI&MSan Luis, ARGFormador
10Andrade, José2005CHIAIToulon, FRAExEXC
11Ansaldi, Emmanuel2010ARGEXCFréjus-Toulon (Francia)Vice-Prior del Monasterio del Pueyo
12Ansaldi, José Gabriel2008ARGEXCFréjus-Toulon (Francia)LSecretario del Padre Buela durante años
13Aparicio, Raúl1992ARG AIRUSL
14Apaza Alvaro, Alexs2005PERAIArequipa, PERExEXC, Obispado Castrense
15Arce, Gabriel1993ARG AI&MChicago, USACasado
16Arroyo, Flavio J2001ARG AI&MLa Pampa, ARGCasado
17Asto, Walter2005PERPrato, ITAExEXC
18Atencio, Luis1997ARG AI&MLMaestro de Novicios
19Atencio, Rubén1991ARG AI&M San Rafael, ARGFormador, Casado
20Avaca, Jhony1990ARG AI&MSan Luis, ARGLCasado
21Ávila, Agustín2002ARG AI&MRío Grande, ARGLFormador, Maestro de Novicios, Superior de Delegación
22Ávila, Carlos1990ARG EXCESPLSuperior Eclesiastico
23Ballester, Lucio2001ARG EXCZaragoza, ESPLExEXC, Superior de Delegación
24Balmaceda, Jorge1997ARG AIDio. Laferrere, BA, ARG
25Barchuk, Ivan?UCRAIUCR
26Barda, Alberto1989ARG EXCBuenos Aires, ARGLObispado Castrense
27Baudry, Louis Fabian1996ARGAI&MFRAExpulsado
28Béccar Varela, Tomas2002ARG AI&MCalifornia, USALCasado
29Becerra, Darío1997ARG AI&MSan Luis, ARGExpulsado, Casado
30Bejarano, Walter 1996ARG AIBuenos Aires, ARGLFormador
31Beroch, Tomas 2010ARG EXCCivitavecchia, ITA
32Bonatti, Sebastián2003ARG AI&MCHINAExpulsado
33Calderón, Luis2005CAN AI&MToronto, CANExEXC
34Cama, Mario Alberto2007PEREXCPrato, ITAExEXC
35Campo, Gustavo 1997ARG EXCToronto, CANLRector seminario menor
36Caretta, Fernando1997ARG AI&MSan Rafael, ARGSuperior Mayor de vice Provincia, Casado
37Cari, Teodolo Leoncio2005PERAI&MAQPExEXC
38Casco, Javier2001ARG AI&MER, ARGRector casa de formación menor
39Ceratto, Daniel2001ARGAIRUSLExEXC
40Cerilli, Massimiliano2001ITAAI&MITAExpulsado, Reducción, Casado
41Cerilli, Tonino2001ITAAI&MITAExpulsado
42Ceschin, Jorge2001ARGAI&MITA
43Chuquicondo, José2008PEREXCDio. Civita Castellana, ITA
44Coleman, Paul2002IRLEXC Oakland, CA, USAL
45Coll, Eduardo1988ARG EXCDioc. Venice, FL, USAL
46Copado, Edgardo1996ARG AI&MGral. Alvear, ARGFormador, ExEXC, enjuiciado por estafa (2015)
47Cornejo, Alfredo2002ARG AI&MMenos de un año de sacerdocio
48Cosentino, Javier2003ARG AI&ML
49DeMeo, Michael2004USAAI&MNew York, USAExEXC, "por motivos de salud"
50Demianczuck, Víctor2004ARG AI&MARGReducción
51Diác. Cornel Balmes?AI
52Diác. Garate Martín2010PERAI&MArequipa, PER
53Diác. Juanchi Morinigo2002ARGAI&MPostergada ordenación por un año, diácono por 5-6 años
54Díaz, Alejandro2001ARG AIDioc. San Justo, ARGExEXC
55Domínguez, Juan P.2012MEXAI&M MEX
56Escudero, Daniel2001ARGAI&MCHINALExpulsado
57Espeche, Oscar2007ARGAI&MManresa, ESPAÑA
58Espejo, Pablo2001ARG AI&MTarquinia, ITALCasado
59Fabrega, Guillermo2001ARGAI&MMendoza, ARGSuperior de monasterio. Hermano de Pablo.
60Fábrega, Pablo2001ARG AIDio. Laferrere, BA, ARGLExpulsado, tramitando su retorno
61Fernández, Andrés2001ARG AI&MITAL
62Flores, Juan Carlos1996ARG AIDio. Laferrere, BA, ARGLExpulsado
63Folonier, Roberto1986ARGEXCCività castellana (ITALIA)Dr.Maestro de Novicios durante casi 10 años
64Forte, Roberto2013ARGAIDio. Ciudad del Este, PAR
65Frutades, Walter2001ARG AI&M
66Fuentes, Diego2004ARGEXCFréjus-Toulon (Francia)Abad Monasterio Tenerife
67Fuentes, Rafael2010COSAI&MFL, USACasado por civil
68Furlán, Juan Esteban 1997ARG AI&MMendoza, ARG
69Gamboa, Ancly2007PERAI&MRUSExpulsado
70García, Andrey2008MEXAIDio. San José, CA, USA
71Gerry, Juan Carlos1993ARG AI&MARGCasado
72Gonza, Wilfredo2005PER.AIPiura, PERExEXC, Obispado Castrense
73Gouveia Nabuco, Quefren?BRADio. Santo Amaro, BRAExEXC
74Grosso, Gabriel2004ARGAILefebrista, luego rito extraordinario
75Haist, Eduardo2001ARG EXCITALTerminando el Doctorado, Secretary of Fr. Buela for many years
76Helbas, Franco2005ARGAI&MArequipa, PERFormador, Rector de Seminario Mayor, con hijos, taxista
77Hernández, Mario2002ARGAISalta, ARG
78Hidalgo, Luis Alberto1996ARGAIDio. Sao Paulo, BRALExEXC
79Ibarrarán, Mario E.2004ARGAI&MSalta, ARG
80Irusta, Dario1992ARGAI&M
81Jofré, Alfredo César1990ARG AIITALExEXC, Superior de Monasterio, Exorcista de la Diócesis
82Juri, Christian2001ARG AI&MBA, ARGLExpulsado
83Keryakes, Stefanos?EGYAIESP
84Larumbe, Gustavo2002ARGAISan José de Flores, 
Capital Federal, ARG
85Larumbe, Sergio2002ARG EXCSan Martín de Porres, 
Belgrano, BA, ARG
86Lastra, Ramón2003ARG AIBA, ARGExEXC, Formador
87Lopresti Julio1997ARGEXCBrother is IVE Priest.
88Lovera, Agustín2002ARGAIGuayaquil, ECUExEXC
89Ludeña, Salva Mario2005PERAIDio. Ica, PERObispado Castrense
90Mateus Silva, Rodrigo2003BRAAI&MBRALFormador, Expulsado, Casado
91Mazzeo, Eugenio1990ARG AIDio. Laferrere, BA, ARG
92Medina2001ARGAI&MSalta, ARG
93Meléndez, Anthony 2007USAAI&MNew York, USAExpulsado
94Mendez, Osvaldo1983ARG AIDio. de La Plata, ARG?ExEXC
95Messias de Deus, Manoel?BRAAIExEXC
96Micheletti, Guillermo1985ARG AIDio. Sant'Andre, BRAL
97Mikalonis, Estanislao2005ARG AIDio. San José, CA, USAExEXC
98Mikalonis, Ignacio2003ARG AI&MValencia, ESPFormador, un hijo.
99Mikalonis, Marco2003ARG AIDio. San Justo, BA, ARGLExEXC
100Molina, Alejandro1990ARGAI&MSan Luis, ARGL
101Monfort, Raul1996ARG AI&MFiladelfia, USACasado
102Montoro, Eduardo1996ARG AI&MSan Juan, ARGLFormador, Casado Por Iglesia
103Mora, Marcelo1997ARG AIARG, Clero CastrenseExEXC
104Morales, Carlos Martín?ARG AIDio. San Luis, ARGLExEXC, Superior Mayor, Formador
105Morales, Damián2004ARG EXCDio. Añatuya, ARGFormador
106Morales, Juan Pablo2001ARGAI&MITAL
107Moresco, Carlos1992ARGAIARG
108Moronta, Alexis2002DREXC
109Muñoz, Francisco 2008ARGAI&MSan Rafael, ARGFormador
110Muñoz, Sandro Miguel2001ARGAIDio. Fiesole, ITALExEXC
111Nadal, Carlos?ARGAIBA, ARGFundador de las SSVM
112Nebelung, Eduardo R.1984ARGEXCUSALExclaustrado desde el 2006
113Nuñez, Juan?USAEXC
114Olguin, Mario?ARGAI&M
115Oliveda, Juan2003ARGAIESP
116Olivera, Alberto1984ARGAIDio. San José, CA, USAL
117Olivera, Javier2008ARGEXCDio. San Rafael, ARGDD
118Onchari, Evans2013KENEXCDio. Avellino, ITA
119Orrego, Mario2004PARAIBA, ARGExEXC, dejó el ministerio y regresó al ministerio
120Ovando, Sergio1993ARGAIDio. San José, CA, USAL
121Pacheco, Luis Antonio2005PERAIArequipa, PERExEXC, Obispado Castrense
122Pacheco, Pedro1996PERAIArequipa, PERObispado Castrense
123Paima, Alberto2004ARGEXCAtenas (Grecia)
Párroco en Atenas
Asistente del Consejo General y ayudante del P. Buela
124Palacios, Javier1993ARGAI&ML
125Pantano, José2001ARGAIDio. Tivoli, ITAL
126Pardo, Gustavo1996ARGAI&MARG
127Paredes, Elbert1997PERAIDio. Arequipa, PER
128Peña, Oscar1984ARGAI&MUCRL
129Pereyra, Walter2003ARGEXC Dio. Civitavecchia, ITA
130Pumayalli, Cesar Augusto2003PERAIArequipa, PERExEXC, Obispado Castrense
131Quinteros, Jesús2008ARGAI&MSan Rafael, ARG
132Ravaioli, Luis2003ARGAIITA, Dio. FiesoleExEXC;
133Rebouzas, Fernando2003BRAAIDio. Brasilia, BRA
134Ríos, Ángel1996ARGAI&MBrasil
135Ríos, Francisco1991ARGAIDio. San José, CA, USA
136Riquelme, Federico1997ARGAIDio. Roma, ITAL
137Rodríguez, Daniel?ARGAI&MArequipa, PERLExEXC, Sacerdote Episcopaliano, Casado
138Rojas, Hugo1997ARGAIDio. San José, CA, USA
139Rojas, Roberto1996ARGAIDio. San José, CA, USAExEXC, dispensado del ministerio
140Ruani, Pablo1992ARGEXC Dio. Venice, FL, USAL
141Rubio, Francisco2003PERAI&MArequipa, PER
142Ruiz, Miguel1996ARGAI&MChicago?, USA
143Sáenz, Ramiro?ARGAIMalargüe, ARGL
144Sajú, Juan Pablo1996ARGAI&MMendoza, ARGLFormador, ExEXC, Casado
145Sánchez Rueda, Álvaro2001ARGAIDio. Concepción, 
Tucumán, AR
146Sánchez, Roberto 1990ARGAIDio. San Rafael, ARGL"Vice" Maestro de Novicios
147Saracho, Ramón1989ARGAI&MBA, ARGCasado
148Scaglione, Rodrigo Oscar2004ARGAI&MESPExEXC, Casado
149Solari, José Luis1990ARGAIDio. Massa-Carrara, ITALSuperior General, Provincial
150Sosa, Alfredo2001ARGAI&MRoma, ITALExpulsado
151Sosa, Fernando Mártir1996ARGAIDio. Sao Paulo, BRAExEXC
152Souza Silva, Paulo2007BRAAITaiwan?ExEXC
153Stephen o Steven?BELAID
154Stewart, Claudio1990ARGEXCDio. Venice, FL, USAL
155Suárez, Walter1996ARGAIDio. San José, CA, USA
156Taco, Manuel2001PERAI&MArequipa, PERExEXC
157Tejerina, Gustavo1994ARGAIFallecido
158Umpire, José1996PERAI&MAmancay, PERCasado
159Uriburu, Ezequiel1996ARGAI&MSalta, ARGL
160Weinzettel, Walter2001ARGAI&MArequipa, PERCasado
161Zamalloa, Alejandro2005PERAIDio. Ayacucho, PER
162Zambrano, Guillermo2001PERAI&MArequipa, PERExpulsado, Casado
163Zambrano, José del Val1996ARG AI&MNew Bedford, USACasado por Iglesia
164Zevallos, Ériko2005PERAILima, PERObispado Castrense
Updated 2/21:
165De la Calle, Luis2009ARGAIBuenos Aires
166Highton, Federico2012ARGAIFundador de nueva orden religiosaL
Updated 3/10:
167Kondratenko, Eugenio2013RUSAI&MRussia